In the competitive world of life sciences, selecting the right CRM platform is a decision that can significantly impact your business’s efficiency, scalability, and bottom line. Beyond a CRM system’s features and functionality, understanding its Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) over an extended period is crucial. Let’s dive into a detailed comparison between Exeevo and Veeva, not just in terms of cost but also in terms of the features and functionalities they offer. This will give you a comprehensive view of how Exeevo can deliver substantial savings without compromising quality or performance.

3-Year TCO Comparison: Exeevo vs. Veeva

The cost of CRM systems can be significant for life sciences organizations operating globally, especially considering the total cost over multiple years. A side-by-side comparison of Exeevo and Veeva shows that Exeevo offers a more economical solution, saving your organization over $11.5 million over three years.

Annual Licensing Costs: A Closer Look*

The cost of CRM systems can be significant for life sciences organizations operating globally, especially considering the total cost over multiple years. A side-by-side comparison of Exeevo and Veeva shows that Exeevo offers a more economical solution, saving life sciences organizations over $11.5 million over three years.

Exeevo provides more functionality and control over your data than Veeva
Save $11.5 M over three years with Exeevo

Exeevo and Veeva Annual Licensing Costs: A Closer Look
• Exeevo CRM: $4,2 million per year
• Veeva Vault CRM: $7,2 million per year

At first glance, the difference in annual licensing costs between Exeevo and Veeva is striking. Veeva’s yearly license cost is nearly twice that of Exeevo, making Exeevo a far more cost-effective choice.

This difference becomes even more significant when spread across a three-year period, where Exeevo’s total licensing cost amounts to $14.1 million, compared to Veeva’s $25.6 million based on 5500 global users and a standard migration.

Per User Per Month (PUPM) Costs

  • Exeevo: $78.33 PUPM
  • Veeva: $142.22 PUPM

Another critical metric for organizations with large user numbers is the per-user per-month cost. At $78.33 PUPM, Exeevo offers a more affordable rate than Veeva, which charges $142.22 PUPM. Reducing per-user costs can result in significant savings, especially for organizations with a large or growing user base.

Licensing and Migration Costs: A Comprehensive Breakdown

While licensing costs are a significant part of the TCO, migration costs can contribute significantly to the overall expense, especially when transitioning from one platform to another. Let’s take a closer look at these costs. Remember, with Veeva no longer able to rely on Salesforce functionality, pharma organizations will have to migrate.

Average One-Time Migration Costs:

  • Exeevo $1,500,000
  • Veeva $4,000,000

Migration is often one of the most challenging and costly aspects of implementing a new CRM system. Veeva’s one-time migration cost is estimated at $4 million, a considerable investment. In contrast, Exeevo standard migration costs only $1.5 million, offering a more budget-friendly option that ensures a smooth transition without cutting corners.

Total 3-Year TCO:

  • Exeevo $14,100,000
  • Veeva $25,600,000

When you combine the licensing and migration costs over three years, Exeevo’s total cost is $14.1 million, which is $11.5 million less than Veeva’s total cost of $25.6 million. This substantial difference in TCO highlights how Exeevo reduces immediate costs and offers long-term financial benefits.

These savings can profoundly impact your organization’s budget, whether you’re a start-up or an enterprise.

Veeva Controls Data and Data Metering Fees are Coming

Veeva not only shares, sells, and accesses pharma organization data, raising significant privacy concerns, but they also use it to build their platforms. Coming soon, they, like Salesforce, plan to introduce data metering charges, further impacting their customers’ bottom lines.

Data metering charges are fees based on the volume of data processed, accessed, or stored within the platform, and this upcoming change is poised to significantly inflate operational costs. As businesses grow and data usage increases, these charges will escalate, leading to unexpected budget spikes that can push overall costs through the roof. This move places an additional financial burden on customers who are concerned about data privacy and transparency.

Did you know that Exeevo’s platform is built not to be able to access data? Data is securely stored on each customer’s Microsoft cloud.

Exeevo stands apart from other CRM vendors — we don’t and won’t ever access or meter your data.

Exeevo the Smarter Choice

Beyond the compelling cost savings, Exeevo offers several key advantages that make it the more intelligent choice for life sciences organizations:

Scalability without the hefty price tag

Exeevo is designed to grow with your business. Whether expanding your operations globally or increasing your user base, Exeevo’s scalable architecture ensures you can meet your evolving needs without facing exorbitant costs. Unlike other CRM vendors that require costly upgrades or additional licensing fees as you scale, Exeevo provides a flexible pricing model that adapts to your growth, making it an ideal choice for dynamic organizations.

Adaptable Features to meet individual Pharma organization needs

One size only fits some, especially in the life sciences industry, where organizations have unique needs and regulatory requirements. Exeevo is built with this flexibility, offering a range of customizable features that allow you to tailor the system to your specific operational and compliance requirements. Whether you need specialized reporting capabilities, integration with other systems, or custom workflows, Exeevo can be configured to align perfectly with your business processes.

Data Ownership and Privacy

Exeevo offers unmatched data privacy and control. Unlike Veeva, which may impose restrictions or metered charges on data usage, Exeevo ensures that your organization maintains full ownership of its data. This means no hidden fees, unrestricted access, and complete transparency when leveraging data for insights and decision-making. The platform’s alignment with global privacy regulations like GDPR and HIPAA helps build and maintain trust with healthcare professionals, payers, and critical stakeholders, positioning your company as a reliable partner that prioritizes data protection.

Seamless Integration with Microsoft Cloud

Exeevo integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Cloud, leveraging the power of Microsoft’s robust Azure cloud infrastructure to deliver a secure, reliable, and scalable solution. This integration not only enhances the performance and accessibility of your CRM system but also ensures compatibility with other Microsoft products and services that your organization may already be using. The result is a cohesive digital ecosystem that supports collaboration, data sharing, and productivity across your organization.

Innovation that keeps you ahead of the curve

In a rapidly evolving industry, staying ahead of technological trends is essential. Exeevo is at the forefront of innovation, continually updating its platform with the latest features and technologies to meet the changing needs of life sciences organizations. From advanced analytics and AI-driven insights to enhanced automation, user experiences, and mobile accessibility, Exeevo ensures that your organization always has the tools to drive success.

Unmatched support and service

Implementing and maintaining a CRM system can be challenging, but with Exeevo, you’re never alone. Exeevo offers comprehensive support and service to ensure that your CRM system is always running smoothly. From initial setup and migration to ongoing maintenance and updates, Exeevo’s dedicated support team is there to assist you every step of the way, minimizing downtime and maximizing the value of your investment.

Exeevo the Clear Financial and Operational Advantage

The choice is clear when selecting a CRM system for your life sciences organization. Exeevo offers significant cost savings over competitors like Veeva, delivering a robust, flexible, and innovative solution that can scale a life sciences business. The combination of lower TCO, seamless integration with Microsoft Cloud, and industry-specific features makes Exeevo the ideal choice for organizations looking to maximize their ROI while staying ahead in a competitive market.

Ready to make the switch? Contact us today to learn more about how Exeevo can transform your operations and deliver lasting value to your organization.

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Discover how Exeevo’s CRM, an AI-powered life sciences customer engagement platform, has all the tools you need for commercial, medical, marketing, events, and customer service.