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Why a CRM for HCP Events Matters
From one to few video calls to complex medical congresses, significant fragmentation exists in managing and integrating events ...

The Medical Science Liaison in an Omnichannel World
Omnichannel communication for Medical Science Liaison Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) play a pivotal role in facilitating a ...

Pharma's New Rules for Customer Experience
The life sciences industry has struggled to adapt to pharma's new rules to provide healthcare professionals with a superior ...

Why the Customer Experience is Important in Specialty Care
Hear this expert panel on the importance of specialty care in a payer-driven market and how to improve the customer experience, ...

Creating Customer Experience Programs for Superior Business Results
Matt Watkinson best selling author of The Grid and The Ten Principles Behind Great Customer Experiences, the co-founder and CEO ...

Measuring Success in the Sales Force of the Future
Learn what soft and hard skills are required to drive productivity success and the new digital tactics needed to define the sales ...